i Times skriver krönikören Dominic Lawson:
While Labour abandoned the idea of the state as all-virtuous in the economic sphere — it privatised businesses that even Margaret Thatcher balked at selling off — some of its leading figures have held firm to the view that it is possible through the enforcement power of the state to improve society’s moral character. What constitutes that “better character” will also be decided by the state, of course, although it is never very clear from what its leaders’ superior moral wisdom derives, other than the very Judeao-Christian tradition whose influence they instinctively wish to relegate.
Det är en intressant utveckling, noga värd att bevaka, även från ett svenskt perspektiv. Även här finns det politiker som önskar vad som helst utom kristen moral. Få av dem har ett tydligt alternativ för vad de önskar.
Kunde inte undanhålla denna lysande krönika, som ju går i samma underbara engelska stil!
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