Times intervjuar Daniel Martin, manlig modellveteran (33 år gammal) som berättar om hur han förbereder sig för ett jobb:
Two days before a photoshoot, he says, he begins to dehydrate by restricting the intake of water and other fluids to a minimum. After almost a week of carbohydrate avoidance, he also begins to “carbo-load” by eating pasta and sweet potatoes for 48 hours. “That forces the muscles to fill up with glycogen so they look bigger,” he says. “Being dehydrated makes your skin shrink and become taut so that it sticks to the muscles and gives a dry, vascular appearance, making your veins stick out, which is what the magazines want.”
Many male models drink alcohol — brandy and gin are favourites — to speed dehydration. “I open a bottle of red wine the night before, and on the morning of a photoshoot I have another glass of wine and some wine gums,” Martin says. “The sugar in the sweets and the alcohol draw more water from the skin, leaving you looking as lean as possible.”
Among models and many others in the industry, Martin says, there is an unspoken acknowledgement that the pre-shoot regimen is standard. “There is definitely a sense that magazines expect you to turn up dehydrated and dizzy,” he says. “I’ve been on castings for fitness magazines where there are six or seven models who are so groggy and out of it that they need to grab a chair to sit down and literally can’t speak.”
Rätt vrickat, men jag är tacksam att ha utökat min kunskap på detta området. Tyvärr finns det ju många unga grabbar som ser dessa bilder och inte tänker efter ordentligt. Pannlobernas analysförmåga där hjärnan bedömer sådant som risk och konsekvens blir ju "fullvuxen" först i 25-årsåldern... Läs här.
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