In 2005 a baby boy in Manchester was born alive at 24 weeks after surviving three attempts to abort him. He is now a five-year-old schoolboy.Nu gick det inte lika bra för det barn i Italien som aborterades på grund av gomspalt för några veckor sedan. Barnet, som var i 22:a veckan hittades levande på sjukhuset men kunde inte räddas. Dock levde han i två dagar efter in(över)greppet.
Läs mer i Dagen och i Daily Telegraph som skriver:
Eugenia Roccella, the under-secretary of state in the health department, on Wednesday night promised a government inquiry into the incident.
“The minister of health will send inspectors to the hospital in Rossano Calabro to investigate what actually happened, and to see if the Law 194, which prohibits abortion when there is a possibility of the foetus living separately from the mother, and permits it only when the continuation of the pregnancy would result in life-threatening danger to the mother.”
She said that if initial information is correct, “this would be a case of deliberate abandonment of a seriously premature neonate, possibly also with some form of disability, an act contrary to any sense of human compassion but also of any accepted professional medical practice".
She added: “We must remember that a baby, once born, is an Italian citizen equal to all the others, and is entitled to all fundamental rights, including the right to health and therefore to be given full support.”
Här blir det absurda i situationen helt tydligt. Det är okej att döda ett barn (för det är precis vad det handlar om) förutsatt att det sker "i rättan tid". Därefter är det inte okej. Principiellt är det likadant i Sverige och vår abortlagstiftning förefaller vara av samma skrot och korn som den italienska.
På något sätt känns det som om "the great communicator", Ronald Reagan hade rätt:
With regard to the freedom of the individual for choice with regard to abortion, there's one individual who's not being considered at all. That's the one who is being aborted. And I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.
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